Reading notes:
Gilgamesh- 4000 years old
Iliad- 3000 years old
Prologue to Gilgamesh:
Gil built home for main gods, high ranking person
Anu & Ishtar, father of gods and goddess of love
takes place in Uruk
Gil is son of Lugalbanda and Lady Wildcow Ninsun
Gil is vangard and rear guard of army
2/3 god, 1/3 man. not sure how that math works
From the Iliad:
goddess Athene (as Trojan warrior) leads Hektor to Achilleus
she said to fight ruthlessly to see if they or Achilleus would die
H swore brutal battle and bargained to bring back dead to home country
Ach said no oaths between enemies.
shows honesty and knows he wouldn't honor his word
Ach fighting to avenge his countrymen H killed
H wants fair fight face to face
H threw spear and Athenes had abandoned him. knew death was fate
H wanted swift death, got speared in the neck. mercy from Ach
Ach actually avenging his partner Patroklos who H killed
Ach wants to let him sit out and be eaten
H begs to be taken hime for burning and promises treasure
Ach shows no more mercy and refuses offer. wants true revenge
H's last words were cursing but Ach didn't believe him. knew gods would take him in stride
History of English Church and People The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:
Bede (673-735) Rome had protected and supported Britain but when it withdrew, England was left isolated and prone to invasion
Monks and monasteries kept written word alive and preached it
Bede most learned scholar
father of English history
A History of the English Church and People
describes conquest of Britain by Anglo-Saxons after Romans left
wrote in Latin so all could read his work done at Jarrow
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle written by King Alfred's group of monks
sent out and minks added to chronicle
from A History of the English Church and People:
Belgic Gaul id south of English island
tells of prosperous and promising Emglish land
even shore is bountiful
Latin common medium for scriptures
Britons-original inhabitants
then Scythians came to north Isish coast (W of Britain) and found Scots
Pictish settlers rejected from settling in Ireland
sent to go to Britain, promised help to fight if they resisted
settles in north, Britons in south
king comes from lady's side as part of agreement to marry into Pictish families, if needed
Ireland more pleasant with no reptiles or snakes, immune to poison
Scots originally from Ireland, migrated to Britain
from The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:
Vikings broke up and went to Briatin
King Alfred created long ships to beat Viking raids
Danes beached at Isle of Wight
English took ships and killed their men, ruthless
tide saved Danes
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